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Timesheet - Activities & Work Hours

Activities & Work Hours

  • Activities Setup allows administrator to create customized activities based on their need such as Normal work day, Saturday half day, off day, etc. Activities created will later be applied to daily schedule (Schedule Template).

  • Work Hours Setup allows administrator to define the activities with a period of time (e.g. half day, full day or cross day (overnight)). This will later be applied to the schedule template when planning the schedule.

To Add a New Activity & Work Hours

Step 1: Click [Add New]. You will be redirected to a page as shown below.

Step 2: Select the company to add. Type in the boxes provided. Provide a unique activity code & description. Indicate the type of activity. All fields are mandatory.

Step 3: To add a work hour for the activity. Click [Add Work Hour]. A dialog will appear.

Step 4: Enter the start, end & break hour in the boxes provided. Click [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 work hour.

To Edit:

Step 1: Click on the Activity Code to begin.

Step 2: Type in the box provided to edit the code & description.

Step 3: Click [Save] after editing to save the record

To Delete:

Step 1: Click [Delete] on the selected row.

Step 2: You will be prompted a confirmation message. To proceed, click [Delete]. Click [Cancel] if you do not want to proceed.