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Settings - Schedulars Setup

This page is only for Super Administrators.

Schedulers Setup

  • This page displayed a list of scheduled tasks that are executed in the backend. They are automated tasks running during an off-peak period.

  • Administrator is able to set the tasks to run at a regular frequency.

  • To view the status of the tasks, click on [View Job Status].

To Activate/ Deactivate a Scheduler:

Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin.

Step 2: Tick the "Active" column to activate the scheduler. To deactivate the scheduler, untick the "Active" column.

Step 3: Click [Save] to save the record.
To change the frequency of a Scheduler:

Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin.

Step 2: Enter the frequency (in seconds) in the "Repeat Interval" column.

a. 60 - 1 min
b. 3600 - 1 hour
c. 86400 - 1 day
d. 604800 - 1 week

Step 3: Click [Save] to save the record.

To register a new Scheduler:

A new scheduler must be programmatically created before register

Step 1: Click [Add New] to create a new scheduler. A dialog will appear.

Step 2: Type in the boxes provided. All fields are mandatory.

Step 3: Click [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 scheduler.