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Settings - Menu Configurations

This page is only for Super Administrators

Core Configurations

Image 1

To Edit:

Step 1: Click the Edit icon of the selected entry and key in the updated values.

Step 2: Click the Save icon after editing to save the record

To Delete:

Step 1: Click the Delete icon on the selected row.

Step 2: You will be prompted a confirmation message. To proceed, click [Yes, delete it!]. Click [Cancel] if you do not want to proceed.

Image 2
To Add a New Menu:

Step 1: Click [Add New] at the bottom-left corner of the page, as shown in Image 1. You will be redirected to the following page, as shown in Image 2.

Step 2: Fill up the required information.

Step 3: Once done, lick [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 report. Else, click [Cancel].