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Report - Custom Reports

Custom Report

Image 1

To Create a New Custom Report:

Step 1: Click [+ Add New] at the bottom-left corner of the page, as shown in Image 1. Afterwards, you will be redirected to the following page, as shown in Image 2.

Image 2

To Edit Report Format:

Step 1: To edit the Report Format of the Custom Report, click the Report Format Tab at the top of the page as shown in Image 1.

Step 2: Next, fill in the Report Name, Description, and the View Options. Once done, click [+ Create & Add More] to save your changes and add a new report format. To save and exit, click [+ Create & Close]. Else, click [Cancel].

Image 3

To Edit Report Criteria:

Step 1: To edit the Report Criteria of the Custom Report, click the Report Criteria Tab at the top of the page as shown in Image 1.

Step 2: Next, fill in the Pay Group, Pay Period and if you want to Filter Employees By Criteria.. Once done, click [+ Create & Add More] to save your changes and add a new report criteria. To save and exit, click [+ Create & Close]. Else, click [Cancel].

Image 4

To Edit Report Fields:

Step 1: To edit the Report Fields of the Custom Report, click the Report Fields Tab at the top of the page as shown in Image 1.

Step 2: Next, fill in the Employee P. Once done, click [+ Create & Add More] to save your changes and add a new report criteria. To save and exit, click [+ Create & Close]. Else, click [Cancel].