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Setup - Claims Policy Configurations

Setup Claim Policy Configurations

Image 1

To Add New Claim Policy Configurations

Step 1: Click [+ Add New] at the bottom-left corner of the page, as shown in Image 1. The following popup will appear, as shown below.

Image 2

Step 2: Fill up the Company, Year, Entitlement Type, Status and Claim Period. Next, fill up the Entitlement Proration Formula, Claim Submission Setting, Instant Claim Settings and Tax Code Settings.

Step 3: To add a new Tax Code, click the [+ Add Tax Code] button at the bottom-left corner of the page.

Step 4: A popup will appear, as shown in the image below. Fill up the required details and click [+ Create & Close] to save your changes and exit. Else, click [Cancel].

Step 5: Once done, scroll to the top and click [Save] to save the changes made. To save and exit, click [Save & Close]. Else, click [Cancel].