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Reports - Summary & Detailed

Summary & Detailed Report

Image 1

Step 1: You can either filter by Employee or by Company.

  • By Employee Lookup: Select the dropbox to filter employees via Employee Code, Employee Name, or Identity Number.

  • By Company: Select the dropbox to select the desired Company.

Step 2: Next, select the Attendance Status and Dates.

To Add New Timesheet

Step 1: Click the [+Add New] button on the right side of the page, as can be seen in Image 1.

Step 2: The following popup will appear as shown below. Fill up the required fields and click [+ Add New] to save your changes and add this new timesheet.

To Download Timesheets

Step 1: Select the timesheet entries that you want to be included in the download.

Step 2: Once you have confirmed your selection, click [Download Attachment].

To Edit Report options

Step 1: Scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the Report options section.

Step 2: Here, you can select the Format, Type, how you want the data to be Grouped By/ Sorted By, and lastly if you want the Download to be combined or individual.

Step 3: Once done, click the [Download] button.