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Manage - OT Request List

Manage OTRequest List


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To View OT Request List

Step 1: You can either filter by Employee or by Company.

  • By Employee Lookup: Select the dropbox to filter employees via Employee Code, Employee Name, or Identity Number.

  • By Company: Select the dropbox to select the desired Company.

Step 2: Next, select the Departments, the Locations/Project, Status as well as the Time Period.

Step 3: Once done, select the entries that you would like to download, then click [Download Attachment].

Step 4: At the bottom of the page, there are more options for you to choose your report options. Here, you may choose the Format, Type (Detailed or Summary Report), and how the report is Grouped or Sorted By. Once done, click [Download] to download the customized report.

To Add New OT Request

Step 1: Click the [+ Add New] button on the right side of the page, as can be seen in Image 1.

Step 2: Fill up the required fields. Once done, click the [Submit] button to submit your OT Request.