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Report - Payroll Variance Listing

Payroll Variance Listing

Image 1

Step 1: Firstly, after clicking Payroll Variance Listing in the left menu, there will be a popup, as shown in Image 1 on the left.

Step 2: Next, fill in the necessary fields to specify which pay group you want to be uploaded.

Step 3: Once done, click the [Save] button in order to save the changes made.

Image 2

Step 4: Select the desired Report Option and Payment Mode.

Step 5: Next, select the type of Employees by checking the tickboxes under Print Employee.

Step 6: Next, select the type of Allowances by checking the tickboxes under Print Allowances.

Step 7: Next, select the type of payments that are not applicable by checking the tickboxes under Print Not Applicable Payment.

Step 8: Once done, you can either click [Export To Excel] or [Print In PDF].