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Report - Employee Pay History

Employee Pay History

Image 1

Step 1: Firstly, after clicking Employee Pay History in the left menu, there will be a popup, as shown in Image 1 on the left.

Step 2: Next, fill in the necessary fields to specify which pay group you want to be uploaded.

Step 3: Once done, click the [Save] button in order to save the changes made.

Image 2

Step 4: Select the desired Pay Period and Payroll Run.

Step 5: You can also group the employees together by checking the box next to Group By. Here, you can select how you want to group the employees together (e.g. Personal Particulars, Other Personal Detials, etc)

Step 6: Next, you can select the Report Format if you want the report to be Categorised By Pay Item.

Step 7: Lastly, you can filter the results by Employee Code, Employee Name, Company Name, Department or Job Title.

Step 8: Once done, click [Reload Employee] to reload the list of employees that fit the given criteria.

Step 9: To view the updated data, you can either click [Export To Excel], [Print In PDF] or [Excel Pivot].