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Setup - Config

Announcement Setup Configurations

Image 1

Image 2

To Add a New Announcement

Step 1: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click [+ Add New], as seen in Image 1.

Step 2: Fill up the necessary details, as seen in Image 3, on the left.

Step 3: To save and create more announcements, click [Create & Add More]. Else, to just save and exit, click [Create & Close].

Image 3
To Edit an Announcement

Step 1: Click on the Edit icon of the selected announcement (See Image 1) and you will be directed to the page on the left. (See Image 3)

Step 2: Make the necessary edits to the announcement.

Step 3: Once done, click the [Publish] button to save your changes.

Image 4

To Delete an Announcement

Step 1: Click on the Trashcan icon of the selected announcement (See Image 1) and a prompt will appear. (See Image 4)

Step 2: Click [Yes, delete it!] to confirm the deletion of the announcement.