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Human Resource - Import From Logbook Employee

Import a list of new/ updated candidates information from IES into EASE using Sync function.

  • To begin, click on Human Resource -> Import from Logbook.

To Sync/ Edit a Candidate:

Step 1: Select Employees Tab.

Step 2: To view records that have not been synced, select 'New' under status.

Step 3: Click [Edit] to amend the record if required before sync.

Documents Rejection:

Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the documents (as shown below). Click [Download All] to download all documents into a zip file.

Step 5: Tick the documents you wish to accept. To reject any document(s), enter a rejection reason and click [Send Resubmission]. Candidate will receive an email notification to resubmit the rejected documents.

Step 6: Click [Save & Sync] to sync the profile into EASE. You would be able to sync the updated documents again once the candidate resubmits the documents.