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Manage - Import


Image 1

To Import from IES & iHRS

Step 1: To add a new OA List, clickClick [+ AddCreate New]New Process] at the bottom-left cornertop of the page, as shown in Image 1. The following popup will appear, as shown below.

Step 2: Fill up the requiredCompany, detailsPay ofPeriod, theData new OA. Once done, click [+ Create & Add More]Categories to save your changesImport and addany another OA.Remarks. To save your changes and exit,changes, click [+ Create & Close][Proceed]. Else, click [Cancel].

To Mass Sync/ Mass Close/ Mass Delete

Step 1: Select the Year, and all the entries from that particular year will be displayed in the table as shown in Image 1. Select the entries that you would like to Sync, Close or Delete.

Step 2: Once done with the selection, click [Mass Sync] to sync all the selected entries, or click [Mass Close] to close all the selected entries, or click [Mass Delete] to delete all the selected entries.