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Human Resource - Import From Logbook Leave

To begin, click on Human Resource -> Import from Logbook.

To syncsync/ edit a candidate approval workflow for Leave:leave:

Step 1: Select Leaves Tab.

    Step 2: To view records that have not been synced, select 'New' under status.
  • Step Leaves3: TabClick [Edit] to amend the record if required before sync

    Step 4: Click [Sync] button to perform Logbooksynchronization. LeavesYou Workflowmay Synchronization.

  • sync Statusmore willthan defaultone toclient showby New Logbook Leaves.
  • Click Edit button to change current data.
  • Click Sync button to perform synchronization.
  • Tick checkbox to selectselecting multiple row in order to perform Sync.
  • Click Leave Type to view Leave Type Setting.

  • ChangeOnce Statusthe torecord Syncedhas inbeen ordersynced, toit viewwill previousappeared syncedunder Leaves"Synced" Workflow.status