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Manage - Summary


Image 1
To SetupSearch Leave PolicySummary By Employee

Step 1: Click the PolicySearch By Employee tab and fillyou upwill be directed to the relevantfollowing informationpage, as shown in Image 1 on the left.

Step 2: OnceSelect done,the clickEmployee, [Save]Balances, Leave type, and Application Status to savefilter the changesresults made,based oron clickyour [Copy To] to copy this leave policy to another policy.requests.

Image 2
To Add NewSearch Leave RoundingSummary PolicyBy Company

Step 1: Click the RoundingSearch By Company tab and you will be directed to the pagefollowing on the left,page, as shown in Image 2. on the left.

Step 2: ToSelect addthe aLeave newApplication RoundingDates, Policy,Company, clickLeave [+ Add New]Type and theApplication followingStatus popupto will appear, as shown below.

Step 3: Fill upfilter the requiredresults informationbased andon clickyour [+ Add New] to save the changes made. Else, click [Cancel].requests.

To Copy Leave Rounding Policy

Step 1: Click the Rounding tab and you will be directed to the page on the left, as shown in Image 2.

Step 2: To copy the Leave Rounding Policy, click [Copy] and the following popup will appear, as shown below.

Step 3: Fill up the required information and click [Copy To] to save the changes made. Else, click [Cancel].