Settings - Templates Setup
This page is only for Super AdministratorAdministrators.
Email Templates Setup
- This page displayed a list of email templates available in the system.
- Administrator is able to amend the content of the email templates.
- Each module has its own email templates. Content of the email templates are shown in the edit page.
To Edit: Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin. You will be directed to the edit page as shown below. Step 2: Amend the content in the editor. You may require to use the fields available on the right-hand side. To use, drag & drop the fields into the editor or type the name in the editor. Example: - "[OWNERNAME]" Step 3: Click [Save] to update the content. Click [Cancel] to cancel the changes. Click [Save & Close] to save the content and exit. | To Activate/ Deactivate an Email Template: Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin. You will be directed to the edit page. Step 2: To activate the email template. Toggle the "Active" switch as shown in the picture below. (OR) Step 2: To deactivate the email template. Toggle the "Active" switch as shown in the picture below. Step 3: Click [Save] to update the content. Click [Cancel] to cancel the changes. Click [Save & Close] to save the content and exit. |