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2FA Settings - Main Page

To Add a New Account Policy

Step 1: Click [Add New]. A dialog will appear.

Step 2: Select the target Payroll company. All other fields are pre-filled with recommended policy. Change as required.

Step 3: Click [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 policy for different Payroll company.

To Edit

Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin.

Step 2: Amend the record. Click [Save] to update the record. Click [Cancel] to cancel the update.

To Delete

Step 1: Click [Delete] on the selected row.

Step 2: You will be prompted a confirmation message. To proceed, click [Delete]. Click [Cancel] if you do not want to proceed.

Default Account Policy for all users who are assigned to an employee. This policy will apply the next time they change their password.

Policy Default Value Description
Multi-Factor Authentication SMS or Email User will be able to choose where they want to receive their OTP upon login. Sent to their registered phone number or email address.