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Settings - Role Configurations

Role Configurations

  • Administrator is able to create many roles for different types of user access.

  • In each roles, you will assign the user accounts that belong to the role. You are also able to define the features & data that the role is able to access.

  • Each user account can only be assigned to a role.

To Create a New Role:

Step 1: Click [Add New] to create a new role. The following dialog will appear.

Step 2: Enter the details in the boxes provided. All fields are mandatory. Select "User" portal if this role is allowed to access Employee Self Help Portal. Select "Admin" portal if this role is allowed to access Admin Portal. You may select both "User" & "Admin" portal.

Step 3: Click [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 role.