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Setup - Pay Item Group Setup

Setting Up Pay Item Group

Image 1

Step 1: Firstly, click the [Pay Item Group Detail] tab and you will be directed to the page on the left, as shown in Image 1.

Step 2: To add a new Pay Item Group Detail, scroll to the bottom of the page and click [+ Add New]. A popup window will appear, as shown in Image 2 below.

Step 3: Fill up the Group Name, Group Code, and Description.

Step 4: To save your changes and add another Pay Item Group, click [+ Create & Add More]. Else, to save your changes and close the page, click [+ Create & Close].

Image 2

Setting Up Payslip Message

Step 1: Select the [Message] tab, and click [+ Add New] at the bottom right-hand corner of the page, as seen in Image 4 on the left.

Step 2: A popup will appear, as shown below.

Step 3: Make the necessary changes, and click [+ Create & Close] to save your changes.

Image 4

Image 5

Image 5
Setting Up Payslip Message

Step 1: Select the [Others] tab, and select the filters that you want to use, as can be seen in Image 5 on the left.

Step 2:You will be able to sort by EmployeeID or Department.

Step 3:You can also check the tickboxes to filter them further.