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Workflow - Workflow CC

Image 1
To Manage Individual CC List

Step 1: First, click the Individual CC List tab.

Step 2: To add a new Incoming CC, click the [+ Add New] button in the Incoming CC section. The following popup will appear, as shown below.

Step 3: Fill up the relevant information. Once done, click the [Save] button to save your changes. Else, click [Cancel].

Step 4: To add a new Outgoing CC, click the [+ Add New] button in the Outgoing CC section. The following popup will appear, as shown below.

Step 3: Fill up the relevant information. Once done, click the [Save] button to save your changes. Else, click [Cancel].

Image 2
To EnableManage WorkflowCustom ReminderCC List

Step 1: First, click the Reminder tab. ???

Step 2:4: To enable workflow reminder, click the button next to Enable workflow reminder?. Next, select the number of days to notify workflow officers in the event that the leave has not been approved. Lastly, select whether you want to enable a reminder for employee leave application. (See Image 2)???

Step 3: Once done, click the [Save] button to save the changes made.