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Manage - Timesheet Workflows

Manage Workflows

Image 1

To Create New Timesheet Workflow

Step 1: Firstly, click the [Workflow] tab and you will be directed to the page on the left, as shown in Image 1.

Step 2: To add a new Timsheet Workflow, scroll to the bottom of the page and click [+ Add New]. A popup window will appear, as shown in Image 2 below.

Step 3: Fill up the required information.

Step 4: To save your changes and add another Approval Workflow, click [+ Create & Add More]. Else, to save your changes and close the page, click [+ Create & Close].

Image 3

Setting Up Request Approval Reminder

Image 45

Step 1: Select the [Reminder][Others] tab, and you will be directed to the page on the left, as seen in Image 45.

Step 2: Toggle the first button if you would like to EnableDisable OTTimesheet RequestEmail Approval Reminder. You can also select if you would like to send the workflow officer an email notification if the OT Request has not been approved after a certain number of days.

Step 3: Make the necessary changes, and click [Save] to save your changes.