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Settings - User Configurations

User Configurations

  • This is for administrator to manage a list of user accounts and their security rights. You can create an user account during the creation of employee profile. You may also create the account at a later stage if you do not wish to create the user account during the creation of the employee profile.

  • Each user account will be assigned to a role. Security rights for each role has been defined in Roles Configuration.

  • You may grant special access to an user if the user needs to have a different rights from the rest of the roles.

To Create a New User Account:

Step 1: Click [Add New] to create a new user account. The following dialog will appear.

Step 2: Enter the details in the boxes provided. RED highlighted fields are mandatory.

Step 3: Click [Create & Close] to save the record and exit. Use [Create & Add More] if you need to add more than 1 user account.

To Edit/ Reset Password:

Step 1: Click [Edit] on the selected row to begin. The following dialog will appear.

Step 2: Amend the record. Click [Save] to update the record. Click [Cancel] to cancel the update.

Step 3: To reset password for the user, click [Reset Password]. The following dialog will appearedappear.

Leave blank if you wish the system to generate a random password. User will be notified of new password unless you have selected "No" for Notify User of New Password. To fix a password for user, enter the password in the box provided.

To Delete:

Step 1: Click [Delete] on the selected row.

Step 2: You will be prompted a confirmation message. To proceed, click [Delete]. Click [Cancel] if you do not want to proceed.